Anton Nikkilä, Alexei Borisov and
Serguei Letov. Live in Moscow. 003 CD
22 of February 1999, night club "Bednye Liudi"
Anton Nikkila (Finland) - sampler, Alexei Borisov - electronics,
Serguei Letov - saxophones, flutes
Yury Yaremchuk. Contrasts.
(Studio recordings) CD 004
Yury Yaremchuk. Reminiscences.
(Studio recordings) CD 005
TRI-O Radioactivity. 008 CD.
TRI-O live concert (Letov, Alexandrov,
Parfenov) at Architect House, Moscow
November, 27 1999. Recorded by Radio Russia for European Radio Union.
Joint Committee. Rosenkranz' Sessions. Vol. 1 (Russian
Noise Music) 013 CD
CD-R, collected and edited by Alexei Borisov
Letov-Parfenov Duo .
Secret Doctrine Live performances at Bishkek (Kyrghyzstan, Central
Asia) and Moscow (studio). 016 CD mp3
The Death of Andropov/Antonius' Birthday Party (S.
Letov - soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, baritone saxophone, V.
Makarov -cello, M. Yudenich - perc.). Recorded at Riga, Latvian
SSR 022 CD
TRI-O and one D.A. Prigov. Concert
at Culture Center DOM. Moscow (TRI-O: S. Letov
- soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, afl, Alexandrov -bassoon, Kirichenko
- bass trumpet, vocal) 025 CD
SAX-MAFIA. Concert at Culture
Center DOM. Moscow (Nikolai
Rubanov - bass sax, baritone saxophone, bass clarinet; Serguei
Letov - soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone; Eduard Sivkov
- alto saxophone, baritone saxophone; Yury
Yaremchuk - soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone). 026 CD mp3
D. A. PRIGOV, Alexei BORISOV and
Serguei LETOV in old O.G.I.
( D.A.Prigov - texts, S. Letov - tenor saxophone, swanee whistle, A. Borisov
- low tech electronics) Recorded live at Moscow 027 CD
Russian underground rock band. Live performance recording
Sergey Letov, Yury Parfenov, Alexandr Alexandrov, Arcady Kirichenko
poetry/improvised music, cover by Alioscha Blau
new jazz
free improvised music
poetry/improvised music, cover by Alioscha Blau
free jazz
electro-acoustic, industrial