Nikolai Bichan, Sergey Letov and Arcady Marto at  Fish Fabrique Nouvelle
Nikolai Bichan, Sergey Letov and Arcady Marto at Fish Fabrique Nouvelle

The musicians have participicipated in recording sessinos in March of 2023 at Dobrolet Studio (Saint-Petersburg). As a result the CD "The first journey" was released by "otdelenie vykhod" and "Bichan Productions".

Letov-Marto-Bichan trio. CD   «The First Journey»

Trio performed live soundtrack for the Brasilian silent film LIMITE by Mario Peixoto.

Limite (1930/1931). Russian Poster
Limite by Mario Peixoto (1930/1931, 120') Live stage music by Russian musicians for Brasilian silent film. Poster
Silent film "Limite" with live music by Sergey Letov, Arcady Martoand Nikolai Bichan was demonstrated in Fish Fabrique Nouvelle club, Saint-Petersburg on March 23, 2023.


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