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CINEMATIC PROJECTS | | | | | | | | | | | |

'Oktyabryukhov and Dekabryukhov' (1928, USSR)

Oktyabryukhov and Dekabryukhov

Directors: O. Iskander, Aleksei Smirnov

Writer: Vladimir Mayakovsky

Live stage music for the silent movie (48')

The first performance took place at The Second Days of Avantgard on May 21, 2018 at Moscow, Theatre of Nations, The New Space

'Silent Movie - Live Music' Projects by Sergey Letov

Next Performances:

October 24, 2018 19.00 Sakhalin, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Concert-hall "Oktybr'. Silent films festival. 'Oktyabryukhov and Dekabryukhov' by Vladimir Mayakovsky